Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2012

Happy New Year

 Happy New Year to everyone!  
For 2013 I wish you stress relief and interesting discoveries.

Friendly Birds

Sneak a peek at an ongoing project for my newborn cousin.

Freitag, 7. Dezember 2012

coffee guide zurich

do you enjoy coffee? do you visit Zurich sometimes? do you love illustrated books? you can buy this coffee guide here it's the result of 4 writers, 1 graphic designers and 6 illustrators, published by walkwerk. makes a nice gift too. :)

Donnerstag, 15. November 2012

book launch

Der Kleinverlag Ginnungagap präsentiert seine Erstpublikation:
"Das Spiel" | Text Lukas Maisel, Illustration Rina Jost

Vernissage am 21. November
Zollhaus Luzern, 19:00 – 22:00 Uhr
Lesungen von Lukas Maisel, Julia Sutter, Heinz Helle
[Literaturinstitut Biel]
Musik von Books On Shelves – Solo
Speis und Trank und "Das Spiel" zum Kaufen

Event auf FB
Mit Unterstützung vom Kulturbüro Luzern und Zollhaus Luzern

First release of the young independent publisher Ginnungagap
"Das Spiel" by Rina Jost and Lukas Maisel
Lectures, Concert, Bookrelease – 21. Nov 19:00 Zollhaus Luzern


Sonntag, 4. November 2012

binding my booklet - it's almost finished now, I'm so excited.
more production photos here. btw, these neat hands belong to Camille.

Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2012

Nonsense Zine

each zine is painted by hand with a gold pen

I love printing

[sneak a peek – it's my offset-printed booklet, which will soon be published. above:
screen printing my own flyers. more information:]

offset print by B. Blöchlinger AG

Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012

24h comic 2012

"lifetime"– just ten pages this time, but it was fun anyway.

Mittwoch, 22. August 2012

No, I'm not in vacation, I'm just busy with a new job and some projects. There will be sneak peeks soon, so stay tuned. :) Meanwhile a few sketches I made recently (I have a one-drawing-a-day-sketchbook again). And my publishing project is on facebook now, feel free to like. hint hint

By the way, it's HOT here in Switzerland. I'm melting!

Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2012


In der Hütte war nur Etwas. Es war zugedeckt.
Das Spiel

mehr dazu: 
Text: Lukas Maisel
Illu: Rina Jost

bachelor project and exhibition

Werkschau noch bis 1. Juli in der Messe, Luzern.

Samstag, 2. Juni 2012

working on my BA-project. 
see more here.

Sonntag, 20. Mai 2012

I'm very excited to introduce the website and the blog of my bachelor project. It is called Ginnungagap and is about publishing nicely printed booklets.

First issue will be printed in summer/autumn 2012 and includes a text by Lukas Maisel and illustrations by me. Further issues are planned with such talented illustrators as Camille Perrochet (Switzerland) and Ming Sin Ho (Netherlands).

I'm thrilled that Peter Blegvad provides a text for one of these following issues and that the incredibly talented Lilli Carré designed a logo for the project.